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Privacy Policy - Virtual Assistants Pakistan

Virtual Assistants Pakistan

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Virtual Assistants Pakistan is responsible for making your data privacy secure. The purpose of presenting this privacy policy is to inform you about our collection, disclosure, usage and protection of your information and the linked preferences with it that we retrieve when you access our website https://virtualassistantspakistan.com or utilize the services we offer.

The user’s visit to our website or usage of our services is perceived as his / her acceptance of this privacy policy. We will keep on revising this policy from time to time and for this, we require you to check it regularly to stay informed about any modification. Finding your persistent usage of our website and services after such changes implies your agreement with it.

The Information We Gather

Whenever you visit our website or use our services, you voluntarily submit your details to us. That may comprise but is not limited to:

  • The identifiable data including your name, contact number, email ID, or postal code
  • The account credentials including your user ID, passwords or login details
  • The payment details i.e., credit card information
  • You interactive information in the form of feedback or queries you submit
  • Auto-collected data that includes technical information about IP address, OS, or browser information, and the website pages you visit.

Purpose of Using Your Information

We collect your information to use it for the following purposes

  • For a well-maintained service provision
  • Quick transaction and request processing
  • For a prompt response to your queries
  • To provide you with a personalized service experience
  • To keep you updated about our new services through newsletters or emails
  • For the compliance and policy enforcement

Where We Share or Transfer Your Information

Virtual Assistants Pakistan may transfer your personal data to a third-party country or state outside your jurisdiction where there is the possibility of a difference in the data security rules as yours. Further, your information can be shared:

  • To the service providers outside your state or province who, in any case, are involved in running our website, assisting in our business operations or extending services to you.
  • To the partnering business, in case of the sale of our assets, business acquisition or merger.
  • To assure compliance with the state regulation, as a part of legal proceedings or at the governing body’s request.
  • To ensure the complete safety and security of the parties’ i.e., “Virtual Assistants Pakistan” and “You”, property and rights.

Submitting your personal information will evidently show your consent and acceptance of the privacy policy deed of transfer.

Data Protection

Virtual Assistants Pakistan will employ unswerving protective measures to safeguard your information from being accessed by any destructive or unauthorized channel. Although the electronic medium of data transmission is not completely secure, we try to exploit optimum security but 100% protection provision is not guaranteed.

Retention of Your Personal Information

Virtual Assistants Pakistan has the right to retain the user’s personal data as long as it is required for the fulfilment of the reasons mentioned above. There may occur an altered data retention period enforced by the state regulatory authority.

User Rights

By performing as the sole owner of our site, we take care of our users to have their personalized choices while using our services.

  • Users can access, delete or update their stored information at any time by writing to us.
  • They can unsubscribe to the promotional activities coming through our platform by the way we send via email
  • Users are free to disable cookies despite their negative effect on our website’s functionality.

Other Website Links

Our website may contain other third-party website links that are not under our control. In the event of clicking such links will take you to service-providing sites. However, it is advisable to check the privacy policy of each site before you use it.

We take no responsibility for the services, practices or content coming from the third-party websites.

Children’s Information Privacy

Virtual Assistants Pakistan does not intentionally collect personal information from children under the age of 18. As the parents, guardian or caretaker of a child, if it comes to your knowledge that your child has submitted his / her personal details, it is your responsibility to contact us instantly for its removal. On getting messages from you or if we perceive that we have collected children’s data without proper authentication, we will act promptly to delete such content from our database.

Third-Party Service Providers

If you are an international user and getting our services by accessing our site outside Pakistan, then it is to be noted that your personal data may be processed, stored or shared anywhere, within or outside, Pakistan where our third-party service providers are operating. If you continue using our service, then it will be termed as your acceptance to this information sharing policy to other countries, states, or provinces.

We work in alliance with third-party individuals or service providers to get assistance in improving our services or evaluating our service usage or the service provision on our behalf. We transfer your personal information to our third-party service providers only to be used within their said service domains and are constrained for this information disclosure or its usage for other reasons.

Modification in The Privacy Policy

To improve the efficiency of our services, we will keep on updating our Privacy Policy at regular intervals. We will send you a notification through the contacting email before the effective implementation of such an update. These changes become effective when they are posted on the Privacy Policy website page.

To remain informed about all the upcoming modification events, check the Privacy Policy Page from time to time.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or questions concerning this Privacy Policy, feel free to contact us at any time.

Submit your message by visiting our Contact Us page: “https://virtualassistantspakistan.com/contact-us